Trying to understand Magma performance

Bart Gauquie bart.gauquie at
Tue Nov 17 21:21:12 UTC 2009

Skipped content of type multipart/alternative-------------- next part --------------
17 November 2009 9:57:12 pm	0:00:00:00.354	GET /magmatesting/BMTSessionMagmaRemoteRepository	Tree Leaves Stats

0 ProcessorScheduler class>>startUp
  |237 ProcessorScheduler class>>idleProcess
0 WeakArray class>>restartFinalizationProcess
  |1 WeakArray class>>finalizationProcess
  |  23 MaWeakIdentityKeyDictionary(MaWeakKeyDictionary)>>finalizeValues
  |    |13 MaWeakIdentityKeyAssociation(MaWeakKeyAssociation)>>key
  |  1 WeakArray(SequenceableCollection)>>do:
0 InputEventPollingFetcher(InputEventFetcher)>>installEventLoop
  |0 InputEventPollingFetcher(InputEventFetcher)>>eventLoop
  |  0 InputEventPollingFetcher>>waitForInput
  |    36 Delay>>wait
0 WAProfilerFilter(WARequestFilter)>>handleFiltered:
  |0 BMTSessionMagmaRemoteRepository(WASession)>>handleFiltered:
  |  0 WARenderPhaseContinuation(WASessionContinuation)>>value
  |    0 WARenderPhaseContinuation(WASessionContinuation)>>basicValue
  |      0 WARenderPhaseContinuation>>handleRequest
  |        0 WARenderPhaseContinuation>>processRendering:
  |          0 BMTTodoRootMagmaRemoteRepository(WAPainter)>>renderWithContext:
  |            |0 WARenderingGuide(WAPresenterGuide)>>visit:
  |            |  0 BMTTodoRootMagmaRemoteRepository(WAComponent)>>acceptDecorated:
  |            |    0 WARenderingGuide(WAPainterVisitor)>>visitDecorationsOfComponent:
  |            |      0 WAToolDecoration(WADecoration)>>accept:
  |            |        0 WARenderingGuide(WAPainterVisitor)>>visitDecoration:
  |            |          0 WARenderingGuide(WAPainterVisitor)>>visitPresenter:
  |            |            0 WARenderingGuide(WAPresenterGuide)>>visitPainter:
  |            |              0 WARenderVisitor(WAVisitor)>>visit:
  |            |                0 WAToolDecoration(WADecoration)>>accept:
  |            |                  0 WARenderVisitor(WAPainterVisitor)>>visitDecoration:
  |            |                    0 WARenderVisitor(WAPainterVisitor)>>visitPresenter:
  |            |                      0 WARenderVisitor>>visitPainter:
  |            |                        0 WAToolDecoration>>renderContentOn:
  |            |                          0 WAToolDecoration>>renderChildOn:
  |            |                            0 WAToolDecoration(WADecoration)>>renderNextOn:
  |            |                              0 BMTTodoRootMagmaRemoteRepository(WAPresenter)>>renderUndecoratedWithContext:
  |            |                                0 BMTTodoRootMagmaRemoteRepository(WAComponent)>>accept:
  |            |                                  0 WARenderingGuide(WAPainterVisitor)>>visitComponent:
  |            |                                    0 WARenderingGuide(WAPainterVisitor)>>visitPresenter:
  |            |                                      0 WARenderingGuide(WAPresenterGuide)>>visitPainter:
  |            |                                        0 WARenderVisitor(WAVisitor)>>visit:
  |            |                                          0 BMTTodoRootMagmaRemoteRepository(WAComponent)>>accept:
  |            |                                            0 WARenderVisitor(WAPainterVisitor)>>visitComponent:
  |            |                                              0 WARenderVisitor(WAPainterVisitor)>>visitPresenter:
  |            |                                                0 WARenderVisitor>>visitPainter:
  |            |                                                  0 BMTTodoRootMagmaRemoteRepository(BMTTodoRoot)>>renderContentOn:
  |            |                                                    |0 BMTTodoRootMagmaRemoteRepository(BMTTodoRoot)>>renderTodosOn:
  |            |                                                    |  |0 BMTSessionMagmaRemoteRepository(BMTSession)>>todoRepository
  |            |                                                    |  |  |0 BMTMagmaRemoteRepositories(BMTMagmaRepositories)>>todoRepository
  |            |                                                    |  |  |  0 MagmaSession>>root
  |            |                                                    |  |  |    0 MagmaSession>>anchor
  |            |                                                    |  |  |      0 MagmaSession>>materializeAnchorFrom:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |        |0 MagmaSession>>materializeObject:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |        |  0 MaObjectSerializer>>materializeGraph:do:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |        |    0 MaObjectSerializer>>materializeGraphDo:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |        |      0 MaObjectSerializer>>objectWithOid:ifFound:ifAbsent:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |        |        |0 MagmaOidManager>>objectWithOid:ifFound:ifAbsent:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |        |        |  0 MaOidCalculator class>>objectWithOid:ifNone:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |        |        |    |0 MaOidCalculator class>>isOidForOptimizedInteger:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |        |        |    |  |0 SmallInteger(Magnitude)>>between:and:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |        |        |    |  |  1 SmallInteger>>>=
  |            |                                                    |  |  |        |        |    |  |    1 SmallInteger(Magnitude)>>>=
  |            |                                                    |  |  |        |        |    |  |      0 SmallInteger>><
  |            |                                                    |  |  |        |        |    |  |        1 SmallInteger(Integer)>><
  |            |                                                    |  |  |        |        |    |0 MaOidCalculator class>>isOidForFloat:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |        |        |    |  1 SmallInteger(Magnitude)>>between:and:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |        |        |  2 MaWeakValueDictionary(MaDictionary)>>maAt:ifPresent:ifAbsent:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |        |        |    1 MaWeakValueDictionary(MaDictionary)>>at:ifAbsent:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |        |      0 MaSerializedGraphBuffer>>buffersDo:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |        |        1 MaByteObjectBuffer(MaObjectBuffer)>>byteArray:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |        |        0 MaSerializedGraphBuffer>>bufferTypeAt:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |        |          |0 MaObjectBuffer class>>bufferTypeIn:startingAt:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |        |          |  1 MaObjectBuffer class>>controlFieldsIn:startingAt:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |        |        1 MaSerializedGraphBuffer>>bufferPositionsDo:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |      0 MagmaSession>>secondarySubmit:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |        0 MagmaSession>>submit:to:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |          0 MaNetworkServerLink>>submit:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |            0 MaNetworkServerLink>>primSubmit:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |              0 MaClientSocket>>sendData:startingAt:count:waitForReplyIn:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |                |0 MaClientSocket>>receiveInto:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |                |  0 Time class>>millisecondsToRun:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |                |    |1 Time class>>millisecondsSince:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |                |  0 Socket>>waitForDataFor:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |                |    0 Socket>>waitForDataFor:ifClosed:ifTimedOut:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |                |      0 Semaphore>>waitTimeoutMSecs:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |                |        1 DelayWaitTimeout>>wait
  |            |                                                    |  |  |              0 MaObjectSerializer>>serializeGraph:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |                |0 MaObjectSerializer>>serializeGraph:do:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |                |  0 MaObjectSerializer>>copyWithNewBuffer
  |            |                                                    |  |  |                |    0 MaObjectSerializer>>postCopyWithNewBuffer
  |            |                                                    |  |  |                |      0 MaObjectSerializer>>initializePreMadeObjectBuffers
  |            |                                                    |  |  |                |        0 MaVariableObjectBuffer class(MaObjectBuffer class)>>byteArray:startPos:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |                |          1 MaVariableObjectBuffer(MaObjectBuffer)>>byteArray:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |              0 MaObjectSerializer>>materializeGraph:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |                0 MaObjectSerializer>>materializeGraph:do:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |                  0 MaObjectSerializer>>materializeGraphDo:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |                    0 MaObjectSerializer>>newSkeletonFor:fromProxy:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |                      0 MaObjectSerializer>>oidOf:is:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |                        0 MaOidManager>>oidOf:is:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |                          0 MaWeakIdentityKeyDictionary>>at:put:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |                            0 MaWeakIdentityKeyDictionary(MaDictionary)>>atIndex:insertKey:value:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |                              0 MaWeakIdentityKeyAssociation class(MaAssociation class)>>key:value:next:
  |            |                                                    |  |  |                                1 MaWeakIdentityKeyAssociation(MaWeakKeyAssociation)>>key:value:next:
  |            |                                                    |  |0 BMTTodoRootMagmaRemoteRepository(WAObject)>>session
  |            |                                                    |  |  0 BMTTodoRootMagmaRemoteRepository(WAObject)>>requestContext
  |            |                                                    |  |    0 WACurrentRequestContext class(WADynamicVariable class)>>value
  |            |                                                    |  |      0 WACurrentRequestContext class(Exception class)>>signal
  |            |                                                    |  |        0 WACurrentRequestContext(Exception)>>signal
  |            |                                                    |  |          0 MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
  |            |                                                    |  |            1 MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
  |            |                                                    |0 BMTTodoRootMagmaRemoteRepository(BMTTodoRoot)>>renderUsersOn:
  |            |                                                    |  0 BMTSessionMagmaRemoteRepository(BMTSession)>>userRepository
  |            |                                                    |    0 BMTMagmaRemoteRepositories(BMTMagmaRepositories)>>userRepository
  |            |                                                    |      0 MagmaSession>>root
  |            |                                                    |        |0 MagmaSession>>anchor
  |            |                                                    |        |  0 MagmaSession>>materializeAnchorFrom:
  |            |                                                    |        |    |0 MagmaSession>>materializeObject:
  |            |                                                    |        |    |  0 MaObjectSerializer>>materializeGraph:do:
  |            |                                                    |        |    |    0 MaObjectSerializer>>materializeGraphDo:
  |            |                                                    |        |    |      0 MaObjectSerializer>>objectWithOid:ifFound:ifAbsent:
  |            |                                                    |        |    |        |0 MagmaOidManager>>objectWithOid:ifFound:ifAbsent:
  |            |                                                    |        |    |        |  1 MaOidCalculator class>>objectWithOid:ifNone:
  |            |                                                    |        |    |        |    0 MaOidCalculator class>>isOidForFloat:
  |            |                                                    |        |    |        |      |0 SmallInteger(Magnitude)>>between:and:
  |            |                                                    |        |    |        |      |  |0 SmallInteger>>>=
  |            |                                                    |        |    |        |      |  |  0 SmallInteger(Magnitude)>>>=
  |            |                                                    |        |    |        |      |  |    0 SmallInteger>><
  |            |                                                    |        |    |        |      |  |      0 SmallInteger(Integer)>><
  |            |                                                    |        |    |        |      |  |        2 SmallInteger(Number)>>negative
  |            |                                                    |        |    |        |      |1 MaOidCalculator class>>oidForSmallestFloat
  |            |                                                    |        |    |        |    1 MaOidCalculator class>>isOidForOptimizedInteger:
  |            |                                                    |        |    |        |      0 SmallInteger(Magnitude)>>between:and:
  |            |                                                    |        |    |        |        0 SmallInteger>>>=
  |            |                                                    |        |    |        |          0 SmallInteger(Magnitude)>>>=
  |            |                                                    |        |    |        |            0 SmallInteger>><
  |            |                                                    |        |    |        |              0 SmallInteger(Integer)>><
  |            |                                                    |        |    |        |                1 SmallInteger(Number)>>negative
  |            |                                                    |        |    |      0 MaSerializedGraphBuffer>>buffersDo:
  |            |                                                    |        |    |        |0 MaSerializedGraphBuffer>>bufferPositionsDo:
  |            |                                                    |        |    |        |  |1 MaObjectBuffer class>>bufferPositionOfPhysicalSize
  |            |                                                    |        |    |        |  |1 ByteArray>>maUint:at:
  |            |                                                    |        |    |        |0 MaSerializedGraphBuffer>>bufferTypeAt:
  |            |                                                    |        |    |        |  |0 MaObjectBuffer class>>bufferTypeIn:startingAt:
  |            |                                                    |        |    |        |  |  0 MaObjectBuffer class>>controlFieldsIn:startingAt:
  |            |                                                    |        |    |        |  |    1 MaObjectBuffer class>>bufferPositionOfControlFields
  |            |                                                    |        |    |        |1 MaVariableObjectBuffer(MaObjectBuffer)>>byteArray:
  |            |                                                    |        |    |      0 MaVariableObjectBuffer(MaObjectBuffer)>>oid
  |            |                                                    |        |    |        0 MaVariableObjectBuffer(MaObjectBuffer)>>uint:at:
  |            |                                                    |        |    |          0 ByteArray>>maUint:at:
  |            |                                                    |        |    |            1 ByteArray>>maUnsigned48At:
  |            |                                                    |        |  0 MagmaSession>>secondarySubmit:
  |            |                                                    |        |    0 MagmaSession>>submit:to:
  |            |                                                    |        |      0 MaNetworkServerLink>>submit:
  |            |                                                    |        |        0 MaNetworkServerLink>>primSubmit:
  |            |                                                    |        |          0 MaClientSocket>>sendData:startingAt:count:waitForReplyIn:
  |            |                                                    |        |            |1 MaClientSocket>>receiveInto:
  |            |                                                    |        |            |  0 Socket>>waitForDataFor:
  |            |                                                    |        |            |    0 Socket>>waitForDataFor:ifClosed:ifTimedOut:
  |            |                                                    |        |            |      0 Semaphore>>waitTimeoutMSecs:
  |            |                                                    |        |            |        1 DelayWaitTimeout>>wait
  |            |                                                    |        |          0 MaStatHistory>>addValue:
  |            |                                                    |        |            1 Mutex>>critical:
  |            |                                                    |      0 BMTRepositories>>userRepository
  |            |                                                    |        0 Dictionary>>at:
  |            |                                                    |          0 Dictionary>>at:ifAbsent:
  |            |                                                    |            0 Dictionary(Set)>>findElementOrNil:
  |            |                                                    |              0 Dictionary>>scanFor:
  |            |                                                    |                0 ByteSymbol(String)>>hash
  |            |                                                    |                  1 ByteString class(Object)>>hash
  |            |                                                  0 WARenderCanvas(WACanvas)>>flush
  |            |                                                    0 WAUnorderedListTag(WABrush)>>close
  |            |                                                      0 WAUnorderedListTag(WATagBrush)>>with:
  |            |                                                        0 WAUnorderedListTag(WACollectionTag)>>before
  |            |                                                          0 WAUnorderedListTag(WAListTag)>>renderListItem:labelled:
  |            |                                                            0 WAGenericTag(WATagBrush)>>with:
  |            |                                                              0 WAGenericTag(WATagBrush)>>closeTag
  |            |                                                                0 WAGenericTag(WATagBrush)>>document
  |            |                                                                  1 WARenderCanvas(WARenderer)>>document
  |          0 WAFlowActionPhaseContinuation(WASessionContinuation)>>registerForUrl:
  |            0 BMTSessionMagmaRemoteRepository(WASession)>>actionUrlForContinuation:
  |              0 BMTSessionMagmaRemoteRepository(WASession)>>actionUrlForKey:
  |                0 BMTSessionMagmaRemoteRepository(WASession)>>url
  |                  0 BMTSessionMagmaRemoteRepository(WARequestHandler)>>url
  |                    0 BMTSessionMagmaRemoteRepository(WARequestHandler)>>basicUrl
  |                      |0 WAApplication(WARegistry)>>urlFor:
  |                      |  0 WAApplication(WARegistry)>>urlFor:ifAbsent:
  |                      |    0 WAApplication(WARequestHandler)>>url
  |                      |      0 WAApplication(WARequestHandler)>>serverPort
  |                      |        0 WAApplication(WARequestHandler)>>preferenceAt:
  |                      |          0 WAUserConfiguration(WAConfiguration)>>at:
  |                      |            0 WAUserConfiguration(WAConfiguration)>>valueForContext:
  |                      |              0 WAUserConfiguration(WAConfiguration)>>inheritedValueForContext:
  |                      |                0 WASharedConfiguration(WAConfiguration)>>valueForContext:
  |                      |                  0 WASharedConfiguration(WAConfiguration)>>inheritedValueForContext:
  |                      |                    1 OrderedCollection>>select:
  |                    0 BMTSessionMagmaRemoteRepository(WARequestHandler)>>serverPort
  |                      0 BMTSessionMagmaRemoteRepository(WARequestHandler)>>preferenceAt:
  |                        0 WAUserConfiguration(WAConfiguration)>>at:
  |                          0 WAUserConfiguration(WAConfiguration)>>valueForContext:
  |                            1 WAUserConfiguration(WAConfiguration)>>expressionAt:ifPresent:
0 Project class>>spawnNewProcess
  0 PasteUpMorph>>doOneCycle
    0 WorldState>>doOneCycleFor:
      0 WorldState>>interCyclePause:
        |9 Delay>>wait
      0 WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor:
        0 HandMorph>>processEvents
          0 MouseOverHandler>>processMouseOver:
            0 Array(SequenceableCollection)>>writeStream
              0 WriteStream class(PositionableStream class)>>on:
                0 WriteStream>>on:
                  1 WriteStream(PositionableStream)>>on:

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