[Seaside-dev] portability round 3, that's all for today

Paolo Bonzini bonzini at gnu.org
Tue Feb 12 15:43:32 UTC 2008

More missing WAPlatformTest testcases:

1) String>>#copyUpToLast:
2) String>>#copyAfterLast:
3) String>>#copyAfter:
4) String>>#includesSubString:
5) String>>#beginsWith:
6) Symbol>>#isKeyword
7) Symbol>>#isUnary
8) String>>#capitalized
9) Collection>>#removeAllFoundIn:

And here are some problems I found:

1) WAHtmlRootTest>>#testLinkElementWithContent fails on GNU Smalltalk 
and it should give '<title></title><style 
type="text/css">/*<![CDATA[*/body { margin: 0pt; padding: 
0pt;}/*]]>*/</style>'.  It is not in the list that Lukas sent to me of 
tests failing in Squeak -- how come it passes there?

2) WAEncoderTest>>#testEncodedUrl expects a string with a newline to be 
encoded as "%0D", GNU Smalltalk encodes it to %0A instead.  What about 
replacing the string with "(String with: Character cr)"?

3) The #sourceCodeAt: check from WAFileLibrary fails in GNU Smalltalk 
for complicated reasons; it does not add to the testcase in my opinion, 
can you zap it?

4) A problem in "WAScriptTag >> with:" is part of why 
WAResourceBaseUrlTest>>#testScriptTag is failing.  The method should read:

     with: aString
         self attributes at: 'type' ifAbsentPut: ['text/javascript'].
         super with: [aString isNil ifFalse: [self document nextPutAll: 
aString toString]]

5) with this change WAResourceBaseUrlTest>>#testScriptTag is actually 
correct, but the test vector is wrong.  It should give '<script 

6) Why does WAResponse>>#nextPutAll: use #do: instead of just doing 
"stream nextPutAll: aString"?

7) I think Object>>#restoreSnapshotFrom: is best left to the platform 
support.  In particular, the default implementation is very wrong for 
GNU Smalltalk, where "a copyFrom: b" is defined on Collections to be "a 
copyFrom: b to: self size".

8) Where do I get WADispatcherFiles which are needed by the tests?


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