[Seaside-dev] debugging Scriptaculous from Smalltalk

Dale Henrichs dale.henrichs at gemstone.com
Fri Feb 22 20:35:56 UTC 2008

I'm trying to track down some problems that involve MNUs in the 
Scriptaculous code running in GemStone.

It looks like an MNU or any other Error gets caught by the 
WalkbackErrorHandler and Seaside goes into a RenderLoop ... presumably 
kicking out a redirect that gets ignored by the java script running in 
the Browser.

As a result Errors in the underlying Smalltalk code go undetected.

You can see the same behavior if you introduce an MNU in 
SUAutoCompleterTest>>renderListOn: in Squeak...the error goes undetected 
... drop in a self halt and a debugger pops up.

I don't have a good idea on how to detect Errors in the SU stack, 
without being able to ask a question like: "Is this an asynchronous HTTP 

Poking around in the stack, there's nothing obvious to 'hang my hat on'...

Any ideas?


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