[Seaside-dev] [WACurrentRequestContext][WAContinuation] Problem to recover a session after a continuation

Romain Verduci romain.verduci at gmail.com
Sun Jul 17 13:52:27 UTC 2011


I want to send a confirmation email for an inscription on a website.
After the inscription procedure, there is the following code tu send the
email with the continuation url.

    WAContinuation currentDo: [ :cc |
        self settings
            mailCreation: (self session actionUrlForContinuation: cc)
            of: account.
        ^ super nextPage ].
    "things to do after continuation"

After the confirmation, I have to retrieve session to do things with using
the following message:

    WACurrentRequestContext value session

But the system seems to not retrieve the session and be in an infinte loop.

I can't debug this on pharo because of WARequestContextNotFound..

What can I do to debug / resolve this problem ?


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