[Seaside-dev] Configuration JQueryWidgetBox

Diego Lont diego.lont at delware.nl
Mon Jul 22 11:29:11 UTC 2013

Hi all,

I now moved and updated the configuration of JQueryWidgetBox to smalltalkhub.

I removed the "3.1.0-pharo" and "3.1.0-gemstone" versions from seaside because they triggered an interesting bug / feature in monticello: because the config is empty (the gemstone one on pharo and visa versa), it is the current loaded version. And because 3.1.0-pharo >= 3.1.0 >= 3.0.8, it causes the wrong version to load, when you refer to it from a different configuration.

The location of the sources is still squeak source, as not all sources are present on smalltalkhub (and I don't have such a nice script as Johan to duplicate all sources).

I added a version 2.8 that loads 3.1. version 2.7 (still) loads the seaside stable version.

I moved the location of the seaside config.

If anyone wants to test if this config works for them as well. I only tested it for pharo2.0. Since it does not contain (much) platform specific code, it should be ok for other platforms as well.

Next is Magritte3.


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