[Seaside-dev] Load failure of Seaside3 into Squeak 5.2alpha

tim Rowledge tim at rowledge.org
Sun Oct 7 17:37:19 UTC 2018

> On 2018-10-07, at 2:00 AM, Max Leske <maxleske at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> I've tested loading of Seaside with all of the methods you described:
> - GitHub: works (3.2.5)
> - Quick Install: works (3.2.5)
> - SqueakMap: works (3.2.5)

Hmm, interesting.

> I've tested this by creating an up to date Squeak-trunk image with SmalltalkCI locally.
> Can you give me a step by step instruction on how and wher you obtain your 5.2 image until the point where you get an error? I didn't see a single one and definitely did not have to hack the platform attributes.

Well it is/was just a recent (#18199 update level) squeak image. I loaded Metacello via the 'quick install snippet proffered on the squea.org/project page 

Installer swasource
  project: 'SwaUtilities';
  addPackage: 'ConfigurationOfMetacello';

"Bootstrap Metacello Preview, using mcz files (#'previewBootstrap' symbolic version"
((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfMetacello) project version: #'previewBootstrap') load.

and then went to load Seaside with the similar snippet
Metacello new
    configuration: 'Seaside3';
    repository: 'http://www.smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/MetacelloConfigurations/main';
    version: #stable;
    load: 'OneClick'.

The only difference I can see with https://github.com/SeasideSt/Seaside#install-in-squeak is the last line using #load: 'OneClick' instead of #load. (As in https://github.com/squeak-smalltalk/squeak.org/blob/master/_projects/seaside.md)

> We'll have to update the installation instructions for 3.3 to pull from GitHub and not from SmalltalkHub. We'll also have to create a new SqueakMap entry that fetches from GitHub.

Sounds sensible. Don't forget to update the entires on SmalltalkHub (and any other places you can find!) to reflect this.

> The "Quick Install" thing seems out of place. Can we change that either to the new invocation (the one that will point to GitHub) or, preferrably, to point to GitHub instead? I can change the entry on seaside.st but I don't know how I'd refer to the SqueakMap entry (or are you suggesting to edit the Quick Install script to reference SqueakMap? That would also be good, I guess. Still, I wouldn't know how).

The squeak.org page is on github so you can do the usual edit and PR stuff. Personally, I think pointing people to SqueakMap is a better idea since that can automagically make sure Metacello is installed etc.

tim Rowledge; tim at rowledge.org; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
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