[Seaside-dev] Seaside issue #785 RESTful URL route caching

tim Rowledge tim at rowledge.org
Tue Oct 22 04:05:08 UTC 2019

I just stumbled across a fun problem that I hope someone can help me work around.
When using RESTful stuff (Seaside on VW 8.3 or thereabouts) with an image set to be headless and no-sources I hit a curious place where scanning for the route(s) involves parsing the sources (that I don't have connected) in order to find argument names. There is also an apparent option to cache the routes - presumably meaning that at some development stage  I should be able to pickle the list of possible url to method mappings. However, it doesn't appear to be supported by any means other than editing the #shouldCacheRoutes method which seems to me to be an indication that this is not very supported.

Does anyone remember anything about this that might help? Is/was there an expectation that deployed systems would have the routes cached before deployment? Any code that I haven't found that is meant for setting this up?

tim Rowledge; tim at rowledge.org; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
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