[Seaside] The best combination of stuff for SeaSide?

Stephen Pair stephen at pairhome.net
Tue May 20 01:31:06 CEST 2003

Avi Bryant wrote:

>On Mon, 19 May 2003, Stephen Pair wrote:
>>What OS/version are you running?  Also what Squeak version and VM
>>version are you running?
>Debian unstable, running Squeak 3.6 on a 3.4 VM.
>I can't reproduce at the moment either, though.  If I see it again I'll
>try to do some more investigation (the image I was seeing it in before is
>useless, since it hangs seconds after opening...)

I just did some tests on RedHat 7.2 and could not reproduce any of the 
problems you mentioned...tried it across snapshots, examined the socket 
while stopping the service, etc.  All seems to work fine.  This was 
Squeak 3.5 running on a 3.4 VM.  I did however find another issue 
relating to platform differences in file/directory handling that affects 
serving of directory index files.

While I was at it, I ran some benchmarks using "ab -n 100 -c 10 <url>":

    Apache: 711 request/sec (14 ms mean elapsed time / request)
    Comanche 6.1: 130 requests/sec (76 ms mean elapsed time / request)

Accordings to these measurements, Comanche is about 18% the speed of 
Apache for serving static files.  The actual request/response handling 
in Comanche appears to only take a few milliseconds, so I suspect that 
file and socket i/o is where Comanche is suffering...to test the file 
I/O part, I cached the static file as a string and served that and got 
the following numbers:

    Comanche 6.1: 188 requests/sec (53 ms mean elapsed time / request)

With the file cached in memory, Comanche improves to 26% the speed of 
Apache.  Of course, once you start plugging Perl, Python, or PHP behind 
Apache, I'm sure those number don't look quite so impressive.  ;)

I was running ab from a remote machine over a LAN to a RedHat 7.2 
machine running on an 800mhz (i think) AMD machine.

- Stephen

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