[Seaside] seaside providers

John Pierce john.raymond.pierce at gmail.com
Tue Dec 7 18:20:34 CET 2004

>  My biggest concern is bandwidth...I have a few "proof of concept"
> seaside apps running on various sites and hitting them with VNC remotely
> to do maintenance can be a real drag.  I try to build web admin
> interfaces for my most common chores but...well...at this point most of
> my chores are uncommon :-)

I have been working up a seaside application called LiveWeb.  Right
now I have implemented a window, workspace, and inspector.  Sounds
boring eh?  Well, while I haven't got it to the point I want to make
an official announcement yet, I saw your post and wanted to respond by
saying that I am targeting this application to be a way to remote
control a Squeak image via web browser with all the "dynamic" feel of
a live workspace, inspector, and (eventually) browser.

Right now the workspace is where I want it (with look and feel) and
you can inspect objects as well.  The windows in the web browser (HTML
divs) are draggable, but not resizable yet.  And all postbacks are
done via XMLHttp so it has the feel of a live workspace (highlite a
line of code and press CTRL-P and the results are put inline in the
HTML text area -- just like you are used to).

If you are interested in an early alpha release go to
squeak.saltypickle.com and grab LiveWeb.  Lastly, I only target
FireFox and IE right now.  Any gecko based browser probably works, but
no Safari as you cannot control the text selection of a text area in
Safari (an absolute requirement for a good workspace).

If you have any questions let me know.  I am building the Browser next
as the last major piece to having a fully functional editing
environment.  The results look very promising right now as you begin
to forget you are in a web browser.



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