[Seaside] seaside providers

C. David Shaffer cdshaffer at acm.org
Tue Dec 7 18:41:14 CET 2004

John Pierce wrote:

>> My biggest concern is bandwidth...I have a few "proof of concept"
>>seaside apps running on various sites and hitting them with VNC remotely
>>to do maintenance can be a real drag.  I try to build web admin
>>interfaces for my most common chores but...well...at this point most of
>>my chores are uncommon :-)
>I have been working up a seaside application called LiveWeb.  Right
>now I have implemented a window, workspace, and inspector.  Sounds
>boring eh?  Well, while I haven't got it to the point I want to make
>an official announcement yet, I saw your post and wanted to respond by
>saying that I am targeting this application to be a way to remote
>control a Squeak image via web browser with all the "dynamic" feel of
>a live workspace, inspector, and (eventually) browser.
>Right now the workspace is where I want it (with look and feel) and
>you can inspect objects as well.  The windows in the web browser (HTML
>divs) are draggable, but not resizable yet.  And all postbacks are
>done via XMLHttp so it has the feel of a live workspace (highlite a
>line of code and press CTRL-P and the results are put inline in the
>HTML text area -- just like you are used to).
Slick!  I'll have to try it out.  Generally I only need the few tools 
you described (with the class browser, of course) to get myself out of a 
GOODS migration mess :-)  For now the browser supplied with Seaside is 
"good enough" to round out your tool set.


C. David Shaffer

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