[Seaside] Newbie questions

Paul Mateescu office at ocean21.org
Mon Feb 23 22:17:30 CET 2004

Hello again!

Thank you very much for the quick answer.

>On Feb 23, 2004, at 9:59 AM, Paul Mateescu wrote:
>>However, I feel I cannot go very far with these. I mean, I *could* 
>>go, but only if I trace the execution of the code, step by step (no 
>>class comments - sigh - ), and that would take me very much time. 
>>Can anyone point me to any other sources of learning?
>I sometimes post information about Seaside on my blog - you can find 
>just the relevant postings here:
>Also, I did start a very rough sketch of some "minimalist 
>documentation" for Seaside - you can find it at
>Unfortunately, there's not much there yet.  I'll happily accept contributions.

I will read through everything. Contributions will follow as soon as 
I figure things out :-)

>>How can I do this? I cannot use call-answer because I will then 
>>impose a very strict way of using the intranet and I would require 
>>the users to always go back. This would go against the way the 
>>intranet is made now, that is allowing the users to browse the 
>>information freely in as many ways as possible (of course, there 
>>are links to go back to the main page or to some sections).
>Yup, makes sense.  This is how I would do what you describe:
>- Set up your top page to have a 'main' instance variable that is a 
>WAStateHolder (so that its state backtracks properly).  This will 
>contain the currently active component.  Along with whatever banner, 
>nav, etc that it renders, it should render the current contents of 
>html render: main contents
>- Add a #show: method to the top page that sets the contents of 'main':
>show: aComponent
>   main contents: aComponent
>- Make sure that everyone can always get at the top page; one way of 
>doing this would be to store it in the session.
>- When the user clicks on (eg) 'customers', instead of doing "self 
>call: someComponent", use "topPage show: someComponent'

I will make things the way you suggested.

>I'll also point out that if you're doing heavy work with Seaside, 
>I'm available to provide support, training, or development work (in 
>your case this would likely need to be remotely).  I always enjoy 
>doing Seaside work instead of other stuff, and so give it a high 
>priority... ;)

Maybe I can help you with some part of the documentation. I think 
that some docs describing how you can create an application, from the 
ground up, will be very helpful to all people. Start simple, then 
introduce further and further features. I will be more than happy to 
assist you in writing the docs, PDF generation a.s.o. (after all, 
there must be a reason why I bought Adobe Acrobat :-)  ) Please let 
me know if there is any way I can help you, either on this list or to 
my email address. This is the least I can do in return for having 
access to such a framework.

>>  I haven't even begun to think about cookies, authentication etc. 
>>But anyway, great great work!

Best regards,


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