[Seaside] Text in Header

Brad Fuller brad at sonaural.com
Wed Oct 18 20:57:48 UTC 2006

Brad Fuller wrote:
> (I sent this to the smallwiki at iam.unibe.ch mailing list but it never
> showed up in my email. Don't know if the server is down.)
> Is there a way to easily change the text in the header of Pier to
> something different than the object created? When editing the
> environment/header I just receive the option to change the component
> type and it's name. Obviously, the concept is lost on me.
I tried this from an old Lukas email:

"If you only want to change the title of the site this is even simpler.
Open up your web-browser, browse to 'Environment', then 'Header', hit
'Settings' and change the title field from '%k' (the name of the
current *k*ernel) to something else."

I can easily change the method to change the text
(PRHeaderWidget>>defaultTitle), but, I receive an error if I follow his
instructions above:

MessageNotUnderstood: ByteSymbol>>asComponentOn:
ByteSymbol(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #asComponentOn:self   
aMessage    asComponentOn: a PRComponentSettings

PRComponentSettings(Object)>>asComponentself    a PRComponentSettings
inst vars
properties    nil
context    a PRContext stucture: 'Header' command: 'Settings'
answer    nil
settings    nil

PRComponentSettings(PRCommand)>>asComponentself    a PRComponentSettings
inst vars
properties    nil
context    a PRContext stucture: 'Header' command: 'Settings'
answer    nil
settings    nil

PRContentsWidget>>buildComponent:self    a PRContentsWidget
aContext    a PRContext stucture: 'Header' command: 'Settings'
value    nil
inst vars
decoration    a WAStateHolder(a PRContentsWidget)
properties    a Dictionary()
context    a PRContext stucture: 'Header' command: 'Settings'
component    a PRDefaultView

PRContentsWidget>>onChangeContext:self    a PRContentsWidget
aContext    a PRContext stucture: 'Header' command: 'Settings'
inst vars
decoration    a WAStateHolder(a PRContentsWidget)
properties    a Dictionary()
context    a PRContext stucture: 'Header' command: 'Settings'
component    a PRDefaultView

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