[Seaside] Suggested procedure for final deployment of a web-app

aditya siram aditya.siram at gmail.com
Tue Jun 24 15:17:31 UTC 2008

I have a web app, my-app, completed and currently located at
http://www.mysite.com/seaside/my-app. I want the website to be the
first thing a user sees when goes to http://www.mysite.com.

The following solution assumes that the user is running a
Seaside-One-Click image version 2.8. I invite feedback from seasoned

1) ** Remove unnecessary apps from the deployment **
With Seaside running on port 8080, navigate in your web browser to:
http://localhost:8080/seaside/config. Click the the 'Configure' link
next to the 'my-app' entry. Under Configuration, change 'Deployment
Mode' to 'True' and click 'Save'.
Open a workspace and do:
WADispatcher default trimForDeployment.

2) **Password protect the necessary apps**
To obtain a list of applications that Seaside is now serving, open a
workspace and transcript and do:
Transcript show: (WADispatcher default entryPoints).'

This prints something like the following to the Transcript window:
a Dictionary('browse'->a WAApplication named: 'browse' 'comet'->a
WADispatcher named: 'comet' 'config'->a WAApplication named: 'config'
my-app'->a WAApplication named: 'my-app' ... )

It appears that in addition to my-app, Seaside is also serving
applications called 'config' and 'browse'. We don't want a user to be
able to access these so we navigate to the initialize methods of each
of these and change them from:
self registerAsApplication: 'some-name'.
self registerAsAuthenticatedApplication: 'some-name'.

'config' is already protected by default.

In a workspace do:
WADispatcher resetAll.

This prompts you to specify a username and password for every
application you changed in the previous step.

3) **Modify the path to my-app**
Open a workspace and do:
"Change the root directory of all applications. 'eg. 'my-app' is now
available at http://www.mysite.com/my-app, 'config' is available at
http://www.mysite.com/config, similarly with 'browse'"
WADispatcher default setName: ' '.
"Make my-app the default application run by the dispatcher."
WADispatcher default defaultName: 'my-app'.

4) **Change the web server port to 80**
In the default workspace window that comes with the One-Click image change:
WAKom startOn:8080.
WAKom startOn:80.

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