[Seaside] The Weekly Squeak Summary No. 17: Jan 13 - Mar 22, 2008

Michael Haupt mhaupt at gmail.com
Tue Mar 25 07:24:34 UTC 2008

Hi Michael,

On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 11:30 PM, Michael Lucas-Smith
<mlucas-smith at cincom.com> wrote:
>  I admire Phillipe's doggedness in all things Seaside only. It takes a
>  special kind of person to pull off the role of community filterfish

it does indeed.

It would have been good to know earlier, though, that "the Seaside
community" is not particularly interested in the Summaries. If there
is no such interest for No. 17, what about the earlier ones? Why now,
all of a sudden? Has "the community" come to that conclusion just
recently? Why not responding to the News team directly, instead of
starting an off-topic discussion on the Seaside list? These open and
blunt "we don't want your stuff" posts really don't serve anyone. It's
just the kind of noise that seems to be undesired.

>  So all in all, I agree with Phillipe that this sort of announcement,
>  while interesting, doesn't really fit on this list. It'd be like getting
>  announcements about Croquet or VisualWorks dev builds because it's "all
>  smalltalk and related".

Let me quote myself: "There have been numerous Seaside-related news
items in the previous 16 Summaries." I doubt that the Summaries are as
off-topic as suggested. Is it futile to ask about that?



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