[Seaside] Re: [Pharo-project] Confused making my first Pharo contribution

Mariano Martinez Peck marianopeck at gmail.com
Sun Dec 26 20:49:46 UTC 2010

On Sat, Dec 25, 2010 at 9:19 PM, Tony Fleig <tony.fleig at gmail.com> wrote:

> I am confused.
> I have some changes to MailMessage (a Pharo class) and WAEmailMessage (a
> Seaside class) and an extension to MailMessage (the method
> MailMessage>>seasideEmailMessage:from:to:subject:) that I would like to
> contribute. These changes allow multi-part MIME messages to be created and
> sent from a Seaside web applicationfo -- r example messages with an HTML
> part and a plain text part.
> Following the instructions at
> http://code.google.com/p/pharo/wiki/HowToContribute, I am installing my
> changes into Pharo 1.2 in preparation for creating a Monticello package for
> PharoInbox. Here are my problems:
> 1. One of the steps is "File in your changes and test." I have test classes
> derived from Sunit. Pharo 1.2 core doesn't seem to include Sunit. Should I
> test manually and not include the Sunit tests in the package I submit?
> 2. I assume the MailMessage extension described above belongs in a Seaside
> update. Is this true?

Yes, I guess so.

> 3. The Seaside changes cannot load without first loading the Pharo changes
> since the multi-part message is created using Pharo's MailMessage . How is
> this kind of dependency handled? Should I wait for a Seaside distribution on
> a version of Pharo that includes my changes before submitting the Seaside
> package? It seems like this could take a long time.
I think this is a little complicated case ;)
So...My suggestions is:

- First, ask in both mailing list if both parts are interested in such
fixes. I guess both will be.
- Then, integrate the fix in Pharo (changes to MailMessage and tests)
- Once this is integrated in Pharo, you can ask Seaside developers to commit
the part of seaside.

> 4. Should I make this a Seaside-only package and extend Pharo's MailMessage
> in that package?
I don't know.I cc'ed the seaside developers.



> Any advice will be appreciated.
> Cheers,
> TF
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