[Seaside] [Issue 553] #isolate: broken - any updates?

Reza Razavi razavi at acm.org
Tue Jul 20 08:27:20 UTC 2010

At 10:16 20/07/2010, Julian Fitzell wrote:
>The only reason you might need #isolate: is that you can use it to
>*implicitly* protect just *part* of a Task #go method or a callback.
>What I'm wondering is how important those two aspects of the solution
>are. If only a half dozen out of thousands of users are asking for it,
>it's hard to justify classifying it as "essential".


I'm implementing a Seaside-based service-oriented architecture for 
developing end-user programmable web applications. Specifically, its 
about enabling end-users to "code" on-line the flow of control among 
Seaside components (like the Task >> go method). In my Seaside 
2.8-based implementation, I had #isolate: as a "service" that 
end-users could use to "*implicitly* protect just *part* of " their 
control flows. My system will be available for on-line end-user 
programming, which means potentially thousands more users of #isolate: ;-)


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