[Seaside] [Issue 553] #isolate: broken - any updates?

Pat Maddox patmaddox at me.com
Tue Jul 20 18:29:51 UTC 2010

On Jul 20, 2010, at 1:16 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:
> The only reason you might need #isolate: is that you can use it to
> *implicitly* protect just *part* of a Task #go method or a callback.
> What I'm wondering is how important those two aspects of the solution
> are. If only a half dozen out of thousands of users are asking for it,
> it's hard to justify classifying it as "essential".

This probably doesn't qualify as important enough, but there was the three hours that a coworker and I wasted going through different versions of Seaside to figure out how isolate was supposed to work.  It definitely didn't work as described, and at that point we went into the bug tracker and saw a few reports on it.

I'm still just getting into seaside, but when I first saw isolate I thought it was a fantastically cool feature that blew my mind.  Pretty bummed that I can't use it.  Although it sounds like there are workarounds, so I hope those get published sooner rather than later (and the offending isolate section should be removed from the seaside book).


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