[Seaside] Porting Seaside30 to opencobalt-1.0alpha1

Tim Murray tmurray at ecsorl.com
Fri Jul 30 12:53:10 UTC 2010

I am trying to import Seaside30 into opencobalt-1.0alpha1.


I currently have the previous version (3.0 alpha?) of Seaside running in
opencobalt-1.0alpha1rc32   .


This was built using the old builder.seaside.st page that had a bunch of
checkboxes you could click that would generate a change set for you that
you could generate a .cs

File and install that into the cobalt.image.


That page does not exist anymore so I am trying to manually install the
.mcz files  from Monticello using the repositories listed on the new
Seaside30 Monticello Browser.


Many of the packages load right in, but there are low level things like
Traits, Kernel, Network that cause my image to hang when Monticello goes
into the "cleanup" phase of an install.


I am going to keep trying this approach unless somebody knows a better


Thanks in advance.


Back into the breach!



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