[Seaside] Magritte Chapter in Seaside Book - Missing Method

Bruce Prior b.prior at ieee.org
Thu Feb 20 18:36:37 UTC 2014

Further to my previous posts on this subject, I looked into a 
Seaside-2.8.4 image
  to find that:

1. The method, asComponent, is in the class Object.

    Object >> asComponent
     ^self description asComponentOn: self

2. The method, asComponentOn:, is in the class MAContainer.

    MAContainer >> asComponentOn:
     ^self componentClass
        memento: (anObject mementoClass
                  model: anObject
                  description: self)

I haven't found these methods in Pharo3/Seaside3/Magritte3.

How are components created from descriptions without them?
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