[Seaside] Questions about seaside and pharo

Esteban A. Maringolo emaringolo at gmail.com
Thu Jun 14 19:02:12 UTC 2018

On 14/06/2018 15:47, Blake McBride wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 11:19 AM Ramon Leon <ramon.leon at allresnet.com
> <mailto:ramon.leon at allresnet.com>> wrote:

>      > 1.  Does Pharo support multiple OS/native threads?
>     No.  What you do is run multiple processes on the backend and load
>     balance between them via a proxy. Apache/haproxy, whatever.
> Given the limits of processors (and the speed of light), short of 
> quantum computers (which are happening), the best scaling choice we have
> is multi-processing.
> Although running multiple processes and a load balancer does work, the
> world is not moving in that direction.  It is a short-term kludge around
> the problem.  A multi-threaded aproach allows the OS to manage resources
> rather then me (or the Squeak VM)  trying to do it on top of the OS. 
> The OS has more global knowledge of what is happening on the machine.

One of the most popular (and hence hyped) platforms like node.js is
single-threaded. And it achieves C10K by doing evented I/O, but if you
run CPU intensive tasks, then no event will save you from that.

So not everything goes in the multi-threading realm, actually the only
thing I see moving in that direction is heavy computation (and to GPU as

I agree there is no wheel, but up and downs instead, however these days
if you take things to extremes the serverless/lambda approach seems to
be the most single threaded thing you can think of.


Esteban A. Maringolo

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