[Seaside] Combine several FileLibraries into a single one

Esteban A. Maringolo emaringolo at gmail.com
Fri Jun 22 19:10:33 UTC 2018

Did anybody create an utility that enables the merge the contents of
several files in FileLibraries into a few methods into another library?

I mean, for deployment in production I don't want to deploy to disk the
contents of the files to be served statically, but I want to keep them
within the image, but combining them into a single file (or a few) to
avoid having multiple network requests, and cache the contents only once.

So if I have


And I'd like to have:

CombinedFileLibrary could be a meta-meta library, where #librariesJs has
the file description, but the contents is built dinamically somehow.

Does it exist, or should I build it? :)

Esteban A. Maringolo

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