[Seaside] Ci automated deploy of seaside to Digital Ocean

Esteban A. Maringolo emaringolo at gmail.com
Fri May 11 11:27:10 UTC 2018

Hi Tim,

On 10/05/2018 18:17, Tim Mackinnon wrote:
> Ah - I see (hadn’t thought about having a configurable port number),

I had a configurable port number, and at the peak of use of the now
decommissioned app I had up to 8 worker images running, defined as
upstream servers in nginx as well, so changing numprocs in
supervisord.conf also required modifying the nginx website conf.

> So if Ive understood correctly I could install supervisord with a config file like yours.
> Then on completion of my build, I could sftp my new image up to DO, and then execute a command like: supervisorctl restart psworker?

I didn't have a CI, but I did build images from scratch, and my script
did exactly that, but using ssh and scp instead.

> Doing a check does seem to show lots of people use either it or monit (the latter being a bit more complicated).

I found the same thing, supervisord seemed simpler to get it up and
running. And once working reliably... why change it? :)


Esteban A. Maringolo

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