Squat progress 18 February 2004: MacOSX and ipv6

John Pfersich jp1660 at att.net
Thu Feb 19 19:37:55 UTC 2004

that's because in ipv6 speak localhost is 0::1 or ::1

>Craig Latta <craig at netjam.org> wrote:
>>	If anyone has advice about ipv4/ipv6 and possible programming pitfalls,
>>  please feel free to let me know.
>A while ago I was playing around with MiniRubyWiki and noticed that the
>server would bind to an IPV6 address when I started it with "localhost"
>as address. When I used instead, it would bind to the IPV4
>address as expected.
>I hope that helps...
>- Michael
>Squat mailing list
>Squat at netjam.org

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