Then again...

Chris Cunnington smalltalktelevision at
Wed Sep 7 16:04:59 UTC 2011

I think what I said yesterday is impossible. I think TCP can open a 
channel, but can't itself pass data. To even make a request requires the 
HTTP protocol.

TCP                     stream := SocketStream 
openConnectionToHostNamed: '' port:80

HTTP                   stream nextPutAll: 'GET /HTTP'; crlf;crlf; flush.

Those lines are taken from the SocketStream class comment and I think 
they illustrate the relationship between TCP and HTTP. You need HTTP to 
make a request.


If I open Spoon and follow its instructions. And then in the Other 
Browser I get an error when I click on a method in the remote/subject 
image that says this:

MessageNotUnderstood: ByteString>>activeClass

then I'm going to say that there is a problem between the large and 
small images in sending each other data. If it is not possible for the 
TCP protocol to send data on its own and the current alpha has no HTTP 
protocol classes, then doesn't it follow that the current alpha release 
expects resources that aren't there?

And doesn't the master version of Spoon have an HTTPServer and related 
HTTP protocol classes? Is that why we get an a ByteString>>activeClass 

It's a thought,


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