more MVC questions

Vassili Bykov vassili at
Thu Feb 12 22:18:41 UTC 1998

This is a common newbie trap.  Opening a window does not return *at all* in
Smalltalk-80 and old Smalltalk/Vs.  This is why "tv" in the code below is
undefined: the send of #open:label: eventually results in the execution of
StandardSystemController>>open which terminates the active process.  The
assignment never happens.


At 05:02 PM 2/12/98 -0500, Serg Koren <Serg at> wrote:
>I haven't looked at this; but I think if it doesn't return explicitly 
>Squeak returns "self" by default;
>someone will correct me if I'm wrong, I'm sure.
>>And while we're in the area,
>>I notice that
>>	TextCollectorView open: label:
>>doesn't return anything, despite the comment.
>>Indeed, when I edit the code, it still won't return anything.
>>E.g., when I execute the following code in a workspace
>>	tc := TextCollector new.
>>	tv := TextCollectorView open: tc label: 'Score'.
>>I get a window on my display, and I'm able to stream text
>>to "tc" and have it show up in the window, but "tv" is undefined.
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Vassili Bykov         vassili at
The Object People

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