problems with single...

Jon M. DeLaurier jdelaurier at
Thu Feb 12 22:16:58 UTC 1998

>Subject:     Problems with single quotation marks, categories, and methods
>Sent:        12/02/1998 1:55
>Received:    12/02/1998 11:30
>From:        Philippe de Rochambeau, pr1 at
>To:          Squeak, squeak at
>When you select "add item..." in the Category Menu, sometimes you get an
>"array out of range" error message, sometimes your category does not get
>created, and sometimes it does. Is something wrong with the "add item..." 
>menu item?
>Whenever you create a method, delete it by backspacing on it, and type it
>again, the entire method's characters become bold instead of just the 
>name and parameters.
 I suggest that the problem is insufficient cycles. I have a Mac IIvx and
I get the same result, which occurs if you move your cursor too quickly 
after selecting the menu item  "add: item...". Keep the mouse still until
the new item is displayed and all is OK.


| Jon M. DeLaurier       |  vox :  250.656.6176                         |
| 2209 Bradford Av       |                                              |
| Sidney, B.C. V8L2C8    |                                              |
| Canada                 | email:  jdelaurier at               |
| It is always darkest just before it gets black. (Dave Broadfoot 1996) |

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