Trying to make Linux squawk (startPlayingImmediately:)

Christopher Oliver oliver at
Sun Feb 15 08:17:10 UTC 1998

  I'm trying to cruft up some sound code for Linux, and the main worrisome
part is snd_InsertSamplesFromLeadTime().  The key difficulty is that with-
out resorting to a very non-portable DMA technique, once I commit a sample
buffer to the device, I can't fiddle with it any more.  Further, at least
with Linux, there is no signal sent on buffer exhaustion, so I'll need to
trigger a poll with an interval timer.  (I know... BLETCH!)  Consequently,
I need some idea of how often I'll need to schedule the interval timer.
if #startPlayingImmediately: is any hint, I need to merge no closer than
1024 samples.  Is this just a random number?  Might it get smaller?  Could
we set by convention a lower bound for insertion?  This could make the job
of sound hacking much less ambiguous.


Christopher Oliver                     Traverse Communications
Systems Coordinator                    223 Grandview Pkwy, Suite 108
oliver at                    Traverse City, Michigan, 49684
   (define magic (lambda (f) (lambda (x) x)))
   (define (more-magic n) (lambda (f) (lambda (x) (f ((n f) x)))))

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