startup of headless vm

Georg Gollmann gollmann at
Wed May 27 12:59:50 UTC 1998

>I first asked Ian about the problem, because I thought a headless vm
>was something unix specific.

For now it is, AFAIK.

>Another thing I'm playing with is the headless vm. Is there a method
>that gets called after the image has been loaded? I would like to
>start a PWS with a headless vm. After the image has been loaded I have
>to do something like "PWS serveOnPort: 9090 loggingTo: 'log.txt'".

Start the PWS in a normal VM, snapshot the image while the server is
running, then load the image into the headless VM. I don´t know about the
PWS but with my WebServer the snapshot has to be done through the web to
ensure proper socket handling.


Dipl.Ing. Georg Gollmann                   TU-Wien, EDV-Zentrum

phon:(+43-1) 58801 - 5848
fax: (+43-1) 587 42 11
mail:gollmann at

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