genuine squeak newbie

Bob Arning arning at
Mon Jun 21 15:44:38 UTC 1999

On Sun, 20 Jun 1999 22:09:15 -0500 Dwight Hughes <dwighth at> wrote: 
>It is best to be in a Morphic project when you file this code in. The
>easiest way is to use the screen menu, select "open...", select "project
>(morphic)", click inside the small orange window that pops up to "enter"
>the Morphic project, pop up the Morphic screen menu, select "open...",
>select "workspace", from your web browser you should select all of Bob's
>page, copy, return to Squeak, paste into the workspace, double click
>past the end of the text in the workspace to select it all, pop up the
>workspace menu, select "more...", select "file it in" -- you should see
>a little progress window for "Reading a stream", then a window titled
>"about UIExample" should pop up telling you how to begin. Yes it's worth
>the bother to see it.
>(This code comes down as Unix format and unless you convert the file to
>Mac format, or copy it into the workspace to file it in like above, you
>*still* get the screwed up end-of-line in Squeak when you look at the
>source in the browser. I thought this sort of nonsense was fixed in the
>standard Squeak distribution by now. A filein should _always_ be
>converted to the correct eol convention before it gets into the image.)

Well, I guess several of us should be scolded for missing an even more obvious way: use Scamper! Why go to another application to get the code when you can do it inside Squeak?

1. From the World menu choose "open..." then "web browser"
2. Tell Scamper the url and the code appears.
3. From the main panel menu in Scamper choose "view source" and the text appears in a new workspace.
4. Select all of the text in the workspace (cmd-a or a single click before the first character).
5. From the workspace menu choose "more..." then "file it in" (or if you like shortcuts: hold the shift key while you bring up the menu and go straight to "file it in")

job complete.

Now, why doesn't Scamper have the normal Squeak menus available? That way we could file in directly from Scamper and save a step. Who wants to fix that?

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