Ascii Equivalents for KeyUp/KeyDown events

Bert Freudenberg bert at
Fri Dec 1 13:00:08 UTC 2000

On Fri, 1 Dec 2000, Peter Crowther wrote:

> > From: Bert Freudenberg [mailto:bert at]
> > my current setup
> > maps the left and right Windows keys to Meta-L and Meta-R (0xFFE7,
> > 0xFFE8).
> And the Windows menu key? (the one to the right of the right-Windows key)?
> I'm not arguing --- I'm interested!

It's just called Menu (0xFF67). Win keyboards are not the first ones
sporting a menu key. For example, Sun keybords have undo/redo keys for a
long time - I guess we'll see those soon enough :)

> > After all, regular keyboards are not that uncommon ;^)
> It's a fair point B-).  Sorry for pushing for the 100% rather than 99.999%
> solution; I'm doing some secure Web development at the moment and have to
> assume that the users are Machiavellian (sp?) in the extreme.  There are
> certain advantages to that exquisite, open, personal computing environment!

So you should deal with raw keycodes, and have Machiavelli type them in
everytime the application is run: "Please press A". "Thank you for
pressing A. Now please press B". :))

-- Bert

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