[OT] Neal Stephenson on OS's

Norton, Chris chrisn at Kronos.com
Tue Jul 18 19:02:05 UTC 2000

Chris Norton wrote:
"Just tracking his movements and translating them into a 3D scene would take
unbelievable software..."

Tim Rowledge wrote:
"Interval had a product version of just that sort of thing. Not quite as
sophisticated as one might need for the full job, but close. It was used for
a game controller."

Jon Hylands wrote:
"You should check out what is happening in the real-time 3D gaming community
these days. They haven't quite reached that scale, but they are certainly
working towards it. Multi-player real-time first-person games are a huge
thing on the internet right now, and they're getting better and better in
terms of image quality, and number of players supported."

Chris Norton replies:
Of course, you gentlemen probably know scads more about this stuff than I
do; I'm just a dabbler.  But I yearn for the time when you can put on your
data goggles (or whatever), interface to your computer and pair program on a
virtual terminal with a dozen other Squeakers, conversing with them and
seeing 3D representations of them, from different parts of the globe.  Who
says you have to go anywhere to have a Squeak-fest!

Just think of the "Black Sun" cafe that we could come up with!  Luciano
Notarfrancesco has already made some headway with his 3D faces, John Maloney
and Stephen Travis Pope have been working on the sound system...  Who's up
for coding a 3D motorcycle?


---==> Chris

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