[BUG?] UnixFileDirectory

David Pennell dpennell at quallaby.com
Tue Mar 21 18:26:52 UTC 2000

> Dealing with relative paths has been of some question.  The central
> question is: relative to what?!
> It's not clear that the notion of "current working directory" should
> really be introduced into Squeak.  A more portable notion is "the
> directory the image is in".  It's probably safe to assume that the VM
> can provide the full path to this directory.

I think relative to the directory the image is in is OK.  In 
Squeak Windows, if you print the results of:

FileDirectory forFileName: 'foo',FileDirectory slash,'bar.txt', you get

If you run the same command on Unix, you get '/foo'.

Even worse, if you print the results of:

FileDirectory forFileName: '..foo',FileDirectory slash,'bar.txt', you get


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