Bigger fonts + truetype font converter

Kris Gybels kris.gybels at
Mon Feb 4 16:35:46 UTC 2002

>> Unfortunately Squeak's default fonts are rather small for
>> using them in a presentation that is to be projected on the wall.
>> How can I get fonts bigger than the default set?
> I'm not sure if you mean bigger than the single default font 
> (NewYork10) that is used initially for menus/lists/text. If so, try the 
> world menu/appearance/system fonts. You can pick larger sizes and/or 
> different fonts here. I should think NewYork24 would be large enough 
> for just about anything.

Sorry I was not clear on that :) But I do mean bigger than what Squeak 
offers, not just the default font. 24pt is okay but still a bit small 
for a presentation, I would prefer a 32pt font or so ...

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