swapSender: (Re: Block Closures are here!)

Anthony Hannan ajh18 at cornell.edu
Thu Jan 24 20:52:54 UTC 2002

Avi Bryant <avi at beta4.com> wrote:
> Coroutining is broken - #swapSender has a note to that effect and signals
> an error.  Much as I'd love to have block closures, that makes it pretty
> useless for me... (if I ever have time I'll try to implement
> swapSender and call/cc on it myself but it ain't gonna be any time soon).

I didn't implement swapSender: in the block closure version because
nowhere in the base image was it being used for coroutining,  Any uses
of it I changed to unwind or something more appropriate.  swapSender:
can be implemented however, it just requires splitting process stacks in
the right place and swapping them (see Process2>>pvtSplitStackUnder:). 
Sorry, my comment in swapSender: should have said "not implemented yet"
instead of "deprecated".

Tim Rowledge <tim at sumeru.stanford.edu> wrote:
> prim numbers are split into two fields in method headers;

The prim index has been combined in the new block closure version.


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