Persistence & DTSTTCPW: ZODB clone?

Avi Bryant avi at
Thu Jan 31 18:54:20 UTC 2002

On Thu, 31 Jan 2002, Cees de Groot wrote:

> The structure (now I'm going to tread dangerous territory here - this is from
> the back of my head, I really should refresh my knowledge from the docs) is
> basically: magic, transaction header, object, object, object, ..., transaction
> header, object, object, object, ... etcetera. Objects have backpointers to
> parent versions, transactions too - this mean you can 'timetravel' to older
> transactions or older object versions (guess how trivial it is to build a Wiki
> on top of that...).

A few questions -

Does anything without an oid get serialized in full to the transaction
log, as part of its parent object?  How does it recover the oids from the
objects when writing to disk - does it keep a reverse map object->oid?  Or
does every business object have to have an oid field?

Which brings me to -
what can be used in business objects?  In Squeak, will standard
collections be usable, or will you have to use an ODBDictionary,
ODBOrderedCollection, etc, that have oids, and can associate themselves
with transactions?  And how do most objects (that don't have an easy
at:put: protocol) know they've been modified?  Compiler hacks
like kats uses?  VM hacks? Or do your business objects have to send "self
changed" all the time?

I ask all of this because I've been thinking about similar designs myself
without coming up with satisfactory answers.  What I've been looking at
instead, recently, is generalizing my hacked together little O/R mapping
framework (sort of a GLORP-lite) so that it will work with simple
in-memory tables as well as RDBs.  Once you map an object structure down
to simple relational tables (or arrays of dictionaries of strings, which
is what a relational table looks like to my framework), transactions
become very easy to serialize.  Of course, the disadvantage is that you're
constrained by the O/R model and have to have all of this metadata about
relationships, etc.  One upside is that you can freely mix your
"object" (in-memory) DB and any relational DBs you need to use, in terms
of having relationships between them, since they all use the same
model.  The other is that all of the DB-related stuff is totally external
to your business objects, rather than forcing them to inherit from
anything in particular (although you still have the "self changed" problem
to some degree).

I don't particularly like this approach, so if you manage to get a ZODB
lookalike working, I'll be very pleased.  I'm also happy to help out if
you need it.


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