[GOODIE] Arithmetic assignments (+= and friends)

Richard A. O'Keefe ok at cs.otago.ac.nz
Tue Jun 18 02:46:13 UTC 2002

	>>a += b 	12
	>>a *= b 	35

Hans-Martin wrote:
	I implemented the SmallScript Syntax (a :+= b) a while ago, and think that I
	posted it to the list.

Oh, just what we need, ANOTHER syntax.

Algol 68 introduced the update assignment operators,
and it spelled them <binary operator>:=

+:= is clear.  :+= is just a mess.
+:= tells us what to do with _:  accept +_ as well.
:+= leaves us baffled about which side of _ the + should go.

+= is C envy; it does not include either of Squeak's assignment operators.
It also leaves us wondering whether +<arrow> is allowed, and if not, why

Simple rule:  <variable> <binary selector> <assign> <rhs>
means <variable> <assign> <variable> <binary selector> (<rhs>).

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