writing uint16's to a binary file

Richard A. O'Keefe ok at cs.otago.ac.nz
Mon Mar 11 23:08:43 UTC 2002

"Ken G. Brown" <kbrown at tnc.ab.ca> wrote:
	Writing the numbers either endian is fine, with a slight preference for
	little endian. My intent for the uint16 was to get each element of the
	collection via ReadStream on it, as 16 bits for each number. I would ensure
	the size is less than 65535 when I fill the collection. I'm certainly open
	to finding the best way to accomplish this.

I note that my copy of Squeak 3.0 doesn't seem to have a uint16 method,
but I would expect that it would do something like
    |hi lo|
    self atEnd ifTrue: [^nil].
    hi := self next.
    self atEnd ifTrue: [^nil].
    lo := self next.
    ^hi asciiValue * 256 + lo asciiValue

If you have a collection (c) of numbers which you know are in the range
[0,65535], and a WriteStream (s) writing to some file, and you want to
write the numbers as big-endian unsigned 16-bit integers, then you do

    c do: [:n|
	s nextPut: (Character value: n // 256).
	s nextPut: (Character value: n \\ 256)].

If you want little-endian, just swap the two calls to #nextPut:.

Furthermore, you can put some kinds of streams into binary mode.
For example,

    s := StandardFileStream newFileNamed: 'lots of numbers'.
    s binary.
    c do: [:n|
	s nextPut: n // 256.
	s nextPut: n \\ 256].
    s close.

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