Ned's Connectors and Squeak version in a can?

John Hinsley johnhinsley at
Wed Mar 20 02:15:36 UTC 2002

For a pile of reasons, I have to get Squeak and Ned's Connectors onto a
student's laptop running Windows. (yep, I'd like to stick Linux on it, but it's
not my pooter ;-)

>From experimentation I know that works stunningly
well on 3.2a #4411, that it won't work on the boxed 3.0 final and that
recent changesets pretty much screw Connectors up (although one of Ned's
recent postings makes me think that maybe there is a fix?)

Anyway, what I'm after, if there is such a thing, is a Windows Squeak in a can
which will allow Connectors to run so that I only have to say something like
"grab this, unzip it, make a shortcut, and then follow my instructions for
grabbing the project from BSS" . All this has to be done by email if we're
going to get it up and running  before the end of the Easter break.

I'm hoping that Connectors will be useful to this student (who has MS and
therefore can't do pencil and paper diagrams) in keeping up with his course,
but even having me and him able to work collaboratively on his laptop in
Squeak/Connectors would be an improvement on my having to do the diagrams on
paper as he thinks them out, a process which regularly involves the demolition
of small forests! It's _so_ easy to forget how intertwined the drawing and
thinking processes are.



They're afraid, very afraid...... According to CRN
magazine, Microsoft staff discovering Linux in use will have now access to a
special 'escalation' team. Now, where did I put that stake and mallet?

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