Potential bug in becomeForward:, need help!

Avi Bryant avi at beta4.com
Fri May 17 18:38:25 UTC 2002

> On Fri, 17 May 2002 11:02:26 -0700 (PDT) Chris Muller <afunkyobject at yahoo.com> wrote:
> >I understand doctor, #become is a message that can cause some serious pain in
> >normal application programs.  :-)  But since proxies are a required part any
> >object database framework, I NEED a working becomeForward:.

Chris, do you really need to proxy symbols?  My guess is that for
performance reasons alone it would make sense to have small objects like
symbols come across the wire immediately instead of being proxied out.
And you're going to have to solve the problem of doing prefetching for
certain types anyway, because even if you solve this hashing problem, you
can't becomeForward: into a SmallInteger either.


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