A few wish list items

Norton, Chris chrisn at Kronos.com
Thu Nov 21 00:01:36 UTC 2002

Bill Schwab wrote: 

"I'm not suggesting that you should be forced to type := against your will,
but, I think it would be wise to find another way to provide the shortcut,
such that it would not taint the sources, compiler, text editors, and WEB

I've grown to like the underscore assignment operator in Squeak -- I often
find myself wanting it in VA and VSE -- but I don't see a problem in using
it as an assignment operator, so long as the file-in / file-out mechanism
has an ANSI assignment operator setting (auto-convert to := when filing out,

I will agree with you, Bill, that I dislike seeing the arrow character in
some text panes (instead of the underscore).  A perfect example of this is
the FileList Browser.  I have many files on my machine that have underscores
in their names and they look darn peculiar in Squeak's FileList.  And, as
you pointed out, web browsing via Scamper leaves much to be desired when it
comes to the underscore character (and tables, and fonts, and java bits,

Perhaps we can teach *some* of the text and list item morphs to "do the
right thing"?


---==> Chris

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