Can I play a .MP3 with Squeak?

Karl Ramberg karl.ramberg at
Fri Nov 22 14:53:43 UTC 2002

"Richard A. O'Keefe" wrote:
> I wrote that my attempt to play what I was *told* was a .MP3 file
> using the MPEGplayer failed.  One correspondent suggested that
> the problem was having an old MPEG plugin lying around.
> No, I didn't have any MPEG plugin at all.
> Another correspondent suggested that the problem was that I *didn't*
> have the MPEG plugin, and indeed I don't.  I would have expected that
> if you try to call something from a plugin that is not available,
> you would be told 'you need the XYZZY plugin for this'.

I agree.
> So I searched for MPEG in the Swiki, found the MPEG plugin .sit file,
> downloaded it, unstuffed it, and tried again.  Same problem
> MPEGFile class>>primFileValidMPEG: aPath
>     <primitive: 'primitiveMPEG3CheckSig' module: Mpeg3Plugin'>
> failed.
> The mpeg3Plugin file is 379,499 bytes and has a creation date of
> 31 May 2002 and a version of 'Squeak MPEG Plugin V1.3'.
> As for SqueakAmp, it flatly refused to believe that
> <root disk>:Desktop folder:
> was a valid folder name.  (It is.)  Is there any reason why SqueakAmp
> doesn't let you navigate up and down the folder structure in the usual way?
> Typing entire file names is not the Macintosh Way.

Try the MPEGMoviePlayerMorph change set I posted on this thread.
It makes 'all' files visible in the file dialog.  
The mpegPlugin used to really fussy about file names and 
rejected valid mp3 because of file suffix, tried to play files
that were not mpg streams because the file name was ok etc. 
All this should be fixed now with the latest plugin.


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