[GOODIE] AdjacencyLayout-ajh (was: Finding open space?)

Ned Konz ned at bike-nomad.com
Tue Nov 26 18:58:00 UTC 2002

On Tuesday 26 November 2002 10:46 am, David Faught wrote:
> This looks interesting, but I don't know how to deal
> with the encoded attachment from the list server.  Is
> there somewhere that I can download the changeset?

What do you mean "don't know how to deal with"?

* Can you save the attachment? It's just a MIME attachment of a .cs.gz 
(gzipped change set). If not, you should be able to find a mail 
reader that can deal with it (this is the standard way of handling 
attachments in mail today). Save it just as it is (i.e. just the 

Or go to the list archive at 
http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Mail/Message/squeak/1449028 and save 
it with your browser. Don't click on it, as some browsers (Opera, 
Netscape) "help" you by deompressing it (though I suppose you could 
then save the resultant change set text). Just save it.

* then, in Squeak, open a file list. Select the saved .cs.gz. Pop up 
the context (yellow button) menu, and choose "decompress to file". 
Click on the directory again to refresh if you're in 3.4a (note to 
self: need to fix this).

* select the .cs that was the result of the prior step. From the 
context menu, choose "install into new change set".

Ned Konz

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