Creating an update server

Michael Rueger michael at
Tue Dec 9 09:56:37 UTC 2003

Hi all,

below is an updated description of how to create your own update server.
If somebody could verify the procedure I would then update the page on 
the swiki (




Server directory:

you need a http server and the directory containing the updates
accessible via

http://<serverName><optional path>/updates

E.g., one of the Squeak update mirrors is

You do not need directory index access, as the magic file updates.list
does that for you.

On the server create an empty file updates.list in the above directory.
Check if you can access it.


If not, make sure you have setup the correct paths (check your http.conf
if applicable).

In the examples below we will use "", account name 
"gull", password "sea01" and the directory for the updates is a 
directory "updates" in the ftp home dir of that account.

System Version:

Squeak currently only reads from one update stream (unless you use the 
multiple project update stream goodie).

So you need to decide how to name your SystemVersion

Let's assume you name it "MineMine", plus a reasonable version number 
for a new system, let's say "0.1". And, as you are just starting your 
current highest update number is 0.

Now you need to tell Squeak about it:

SystemVersion newVersion: 'MineMine0.1'.
SystemVersion current highestUpdate: 0.

Adding the server to Squeak:

If you don't want to have everybody be able to post updates you need two 
different setups, one for posters and one of read-only clients.

Setup your image a one for posters. Open a new file list. You should see 
"MineMine" in the volume list. Open it and open the updates.list file.


as the first line and safe/accept. If an error occurs, something's still 
wrong with your setup/account/write access on the server.

Do-it for read-only access:

| serverDir |
serverDir := ServerDirectory new.
     server: '';
     groupName: 'MineMine';
     url: ''.

ServerDirectory addServer: serverDir named: 'MineMine'.
Utilities updateUrlLists add: #('MineMine' ('')).

SystemVersion newVersion: 'MineMine0.0'.
SystemVersion current highestUpdate: 0.

For posters:

| serverDir |
serverDir := ServerDirectory new.
     server: '';
     groupName: 'MineMine';
     user: 'gull';
     password: 'sea01';
     directory: 'updates/';
     url: ''.

ServerDirectory addServer: serverDir named: 'MineMine'.
Utilities updateUrlLists add: #('MineMine' ('')).

SystemVersion newVersion: 'MineMine0.0'.
SystemVersion current highestUpdate: 0.

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