[Q] version 3.5 - What is the minimal consensus?

Hannes Hirzel hannes.hirzel.squeaklist at bluewin.ch
Thu Mar 6 16:36:00 UTC 2003

Jesse Welton <jwelton at pacific.mps.ohio-state.edu> wrote:
> Hannes Hirzel wrote:
> > 
> > Having read many threads and thinking of a  minimal consensus 
> > regarding 3.5. what about the following five points
> > describing version 3.5
>   [...]
> > The discussion about specifics is ongoing.
> Let us not forget to decide on a target for font replacement.  We
> seemed close to a decision on what the next step should be, and a
> quick turn-around on this seems like a good idea in order to have
> something font-clean to present in license discussions with Apple.
> -Jesse

Thank you for reminding. I forgot that. So we'd have to add
as a sixth point

- Prepare the image in a way that it is a good basis for
  license renegotiation. (font issues)

-- Hannes

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