[HOWTO] write a SUnit test

Marcus Denker marcus at ira.uka.de
Fri Oct 24 17:01:46 UTC 2003


for those who don't know yet howto write a Sunit test, here's
a short tutorial.

The general idea is that if you find a bug that you like to
see fixed, the best thing to do is to provide a test.

So, lets see. We have a current open [BUG] (with fix) that
is nice as an example. 

The Bug: go to the "Supplies" Flap, and drag out that yellow
"Press me" button. Now bring up a halo. There is a special
Halo-button just for this kind of "Scriptable Button": on the
down-right, left of the yellow one. press it. Ups.

Yoshiki has sent a Fix for this. Which was (of course, as is
tradition in the Squeak Communty) not harvested. So, maybe
we could add a test, so instead of ignoring the fix, we can
ignore the failing test in the future (hey, a *clear* improvement!).

To do this, just we make a new class 

TestCase subclass: #ScriptableButtonTest
	instanceVariableNames: 'button '
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Tests-Morphic-Scripting'

Ok. the "button" instVar will hold a button instance, nicely accessible
so we can probe it as we want.

This button need to be set up befor running a test, and killed
afterwards. So we add two methods:


	button := ScriptableButton new openInWorld.


	button delete.

Ok. Now the button is ready for testing. Browsing the class 
"ScriptableButton" we find out pretty quickly which method gets
called when we press that <strangecolor> Halo: #editButtonsScript

So we would like to just press this and get no Error. 

	self shouldnt: [button editButtonsScript] raise: Error.

That's it. Now we can run the test, and it will fail.

After filing in Yohikies Bugfix, we will see that for a non-failing
test we need to do some more cleanup: The script-editing window is
attached to the Mouse-coursor. So we add some code to kill that window:

	self shouldnt: [button editButtonsScript] raise: Error.
	World currentHand submorphsReverseDo: [:each | each delete].

That's it. Now we can make a changeset, sent it to the list with
"[TEST]" in the subject, and it will be added to the testsuite.


Marcus Denker marcus at ira.uka.de  -- Squeak! http://squeak.de

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