[UPDATES] 10 for 3.9alpha

Marcus Denker denker at iam.unibe.ch
Sun Dec 5 16:47:04 UTC 2004

6510CsvFileParsing-2-dtl -- David T. Lewis -- 14 August 2004
md: fixed for AbstrcString
Adds AbstractString>findTokens:separatedBy:
This is a convenience method intended for parsing records from a
comma or tab separated value file, a format that is widely used for
exporting data from spreadsheet applications.
See the sUnit tests for examples of usage.

6511CsvFileParsingTests-2-dtl -- David T. Lewis -- 14 August 2004
SUnit tests for CsvVileParsing-2-dtl."

6512FileDirectoryFix -- Russell Penney -- 5 December 2004
md: added preamble
This is actually a [BUG][FIX]. FileDirectory->oldFileOrNoneNamed: 
didn''t use
the FileDirectory''s path when using this method. This is different 
to the other method variations. So I fixed it!"

6513FTPSymbolicLinkHack -- Karl Ramberg -- 18 July 2003
A hack to access symbolic links in FTP servers"

6514KCP-0112-FixCanUnderstand -- Nathanael Schaerli -- 12 December 2003
Fixes canUnderstand so that it deals with abstract methods (i.e., 
subclassResponsibility and shouldNotImplement) in the right way."

6516KCPFixBrowserOrganization -- stephane ducasse -- 30 November 2004
seems that browser was making hard reference to SystemOrganization 
while it should not"

6517KCPRemoveComponent1 -- stephane ducasse -- 30 November 2004
remove Component1 from the system..."

6518MetaMenu-fc -- Frank Caggiano -- 27 April 2004
Blue click on any morph.
Bring up the red halo menu, pin it
Delete the morph
select debug from the menu
select either ''control-menu..'' or ''internal name''
You''ll get a walkback either in Morph>>invokeMetaMenu or 
Once the morph is deleted ''self world'' returns nil.  These two 
changes catch that."

6519Misc018-HeapIndexCallback -- Joshua Gargus -- 17 March 2003
This changeset allows a block to be set that is evaluated whenever an 
object''s position in the heap is changed.  The parameters to the block 
are the object and the new index.
The motivation is to enable a Heap to be used as a dynamic priority 
queue (one where the priorities of the events may change even after 
they are added to the queue.  When a priority is changed, the heap must 
be updated.  To do this efficiently, it must be possible to quickly 
find the changed object in the heap.  Without maintaining an index into 
the heap, this process is O(n), which is not fast enough."

6520WeakKeyDictionaryNilsFix -- Chris Muller -- 5 December 2004
fixes this bug
Subject:		[BUG] WeakKeyDictionary>>keysAndValuesDo:
Author:		Chris Muller
Date Posted: 8 June 2004
Archive ID: 22746
The following code demonstrates that keysAndValuesDo: will evaluate nil 
that have been gc''d.
	| d |
	d _ WeakIdentityKeyDictionary new
		at: ''hello'' copy put: nil;
	Smalltalk garbageCollectMost.
	d keysAndValuesDo: [ : k : v | k ifNil: [ self halt ] ]
I consider this a bug because it contradicts the notion that nil cannot 
be a
key in a Dictionary.  Incidentally, keysDo: passes the test."

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