[GOODIE] BlogBrowser1

Ram Krishnan rkris at kriyative.net
Thu Jul 8 13:51:48 UTC 2004

I hacked up a quick and dirty RSS blog aggregator for my own amusement
in Squeak; it, obviously, needs a lot of polishing but I'm submitting it
here in case anyone else is interested in using, reviewing, or hacking

The interface is quite spare, but it's essentially the familiar 3-pane
view. To get started, open the menu in the left pane and select the 'add
...' item to subscribe to a RSS feed. The list of subscribed feeds can
be saved to plain text file using the 'save' menu item. The saved
subscription list will be reloaded when the browser is restarted.

It requires Yaxo and Scamper. This changeset also includes some fixes to
some Yaxo and Html layout classes.

The code has only been tested in Squeak 3.6, but I did manage to bring
it up in 3.7 beta, YMMV.



from preamble:

"Change Set:		BlogBrowser1
Date:			8 July 2004
Author:			Ram Krishnan

A quick and dirty RSS blog browser. I've tested primarily using
Squeak-3.6#5429. To add RSS sites to read, click on the left pane menu
and select 'add...' and enter the Url to the RSS feed."!
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