making Squeak demos

Ralph Johnson johnson at
Mon Nov 8 13:53:34 UTC 2004

I'd like to make demos in Squeak by recording both my voice
and the input actions and replaying the image.  In other words,
I want to package a demo as a Squeak image.  I've been using
VisualWorks for a long time, and have played around with Squeak
off and on for a few years, but am not a Squeak expert.  I don't
know how to make voice recordings in Squeak, for example.  Do I
need to use a different tool and synchronize?  Is there a tool
in Squeak for capturing input actions and replaying them later?

I am planning to use this next semester in my course on object-oriented
programming and design.  In the past, I have used screen capture and
playback tools, but the AVI files are huge, the pictures are not 
as big as I would like, and they are klunky.  It would be much more
cool to do it all within Squeak.  If it were easy to do then I would
have expected to see similar demos already, so I imagine it is not

-Ralph Johnson

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