Squeak and Augmented Reality

Mark Guzdial guzdial at cc.gatech.edu
Thu Nov 11 16:21:33 UTC 2004

I don't have anything to add about Squeak and AR, except for a 
possibility.  David Smith visited here a few weeks ago, and got a 
chance to interact with folks in our Augmented Environments Laboratory 
(http://www.cc.gatech.edu/ael/).  The AEL folks have a toolkit for AR 
(built on top of Director) called DART 
(http://www.gvu.gatech.edu/dart/), and David (of course) showed them 
Croquet.  The AEL folks were pretty excited about Croquet, in the sense 
that of its high performance while being written in Squeak, so I know 
that some of them are starting to explore Squeak as a possible future 
platform for DART-like things.


On Nov 10, 2004, at 3:28 PM, Ryan Zerby wrote:

> Yes.. Augmented Reality as I know the term is the combination of
> Virtual Reality
> and normal senses.. a way to agument the existing senses of humans.  
> Having a
> GPS that overlays on your display glasses (or the windshield of your
> car) so that
> it displays against the real world.
> When I first heard the personal computing aspects of smalltalk, I
> thought of an interface
> that would assist with the day-to-day living of the user.  By being
> easy to modify, Smalltalk is agile enough to cope with changing
> environments and user preferences, in
> a way that a C application could not.   It seems a natural interface
> for purely graphical,
> object based applications, which would be much more natural in
> augmented reality
> than text (also,  most consumer head mounted displays are 800x600 or
> smaller so text isn't the best. Mine is only NTSC, and text is
> horrible)
Mark Guzdial : Georgia Tech : College of Computing/GVU
Atlanta, GA 30332-0280
Collaborative Software Lab, http://coweb.cc.gatech.edu/csl

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