Squeak Http GET broken?

Nevin Pratt nevin at bountifulbaby.com
Wed Dec 28 04:01:11 UTC 2005

Yanni Chiu wrote:

> Nevin Pratt wrote:
>> http://testing.shippingapis.com/ShippingAPITest.dll?API=Verify&XML=<AddressValidateRequest 
>>  ><Address ID="0"><Address1></Address1><Address2>6406 Ivy 
>> Lane</Address2><City>Greenbelt</City><State>MD</State><Zip5></Zip5><Zip4></Zip4></Address></AddressValidateRequest> 
> Yesterday, I tried this URL in Firefox running on XP Home.
> It kept coming back with a dialog to save or open
> "ShippingAPITest.dll". I chose not to save it,
> and assumed that maybe someone else would have
> an answer for you. Anyhow, is it possible that
> you have this .dll already on your system, but
> Squeak has no way to make use of it?


Save it.  It is a text file.  Look at the text.  That is the response 
text, in the file that you are saving.

I don't understand web protocols well enough to know why the response is 
coming back via a file named "ShippingAPIText.dll".  But, the file 
actually contains the text response that I am looking for.

How do I get Squeak to do this?

Thanks, Yanni!


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